
Prof. Pranita Pradip Jadhav
Assistant Professor

Prof. Pranita Pradip Jadhav

 (Ph.D. Perusing)

Academic Qualifications: B.Tech and M.Tech in Computer Engineering in Dr. B.A.T.U, Lonere

Ph.D. Perusing Dr. B.A.T.U, Lonere. (05years Experience)

Research Interests:

Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing

Paper Published: 02

1)    P.P. Jadhav, M.D. Laddha (2017) An automatic Gap fill question generation using NLP in the International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering Technology (IJCSET), ISSN: 2229-3345, Volume 8, Issue 8, August 2017.

2)    P.P. Jadhav, M.D. Laddha (2017) An automatic gap-fill multiple choices question generator for quizzing in International Journal of Engineering, Science and Computing (IJESC) ISSN: 2250-1371, Volume 7 Issue No 5, May 2017.


Recent Taught Courses:

Languages: Java Programming, R Programming,

Management Subject: Organizational Behavior , Information Technology Service     Management.

Networking Subject: Data Storage Technologies and Networks

Others: Switching Theory and Logic Design, Microprocessor and Microcontroller



Last Updated on November 5, 2022