Five – Year Research Canvas and Roadmap (2022-2027)

Department of Information Technology

Current Research Strength Faculty / Facility/ Journal Publication /IPR/Book Augmentation in next five years Research Outcome Target for Industry & Society Academic Target
03 Faculty / (Soft Computing Lab) (Machine Learning Lab) /06/01/-
Establishing CoE for Deep learning Two faculty
• Training Centre for developers, data scientists, and researchers looking to solve the world’s most challenging problems with Deep Learning • designing, training, and deploying neural networks across a variety of application domains (e.g. Preventing disease, Building smart cities, Revolutionizing analytics) • University Result Analysis
10 PhDs , New M.Tech. Programme, Journal Publications - 10 , Conference Publications -10, Book-01, IPR-03
01 Faculty / (Evolutionary Computing Lab)/04/-/-
Development of problems specific Evolutionary Computing tools One faculty
• Automation of University time tabling • Automated Planning and Scheduling process of Industry and health-care etc.
5 PhDs, Journal Publications -5, Conference Publications -10, Book-01, IPR-01

Department Target

  • Establishing QIP Centre.
  • Each faculty to have one funded project on an average.
  • 40% Research activity through UG students
  • Qualification improvement of 3 faculty members to PhD


Current Research strength Column,

– Faculty with Ph.D Degree are indicated as Research Faculty

– Facility in ( ) indicates that they are not yet established. When indicated without bracket, Lab facility exists.

Augmentation in next five years indicate, the facilities and Research Faculties to be added to the department.

Research Outcome Target for Industry & Society column indicates, the expected outcome to the Industry & Society from the Concerned Department in the next five years.

Academic Target column indicates the targets set for next five years in terms of Ph.D & M.Tech to be produced in this target areas, and publications expected from these areas (department)
